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  • Tags: City Council

TermApr. 15, 1980 - Apr. 06, 1982 elected Apr. 01, 1980 and ran unopposed for the Ward III seat vacated by Darrell Crosby sworn in Apr. 15, 1980 defeated Apr. 07, 1981 by Donald "Don" Storck for the position of mayor vacated by Duane "Pappy" Lynch;…

TermsOct. 19, 1976 - Apr. 01, 1980Apr. 21 , 1981 - Apr. 07, 1983 appointed and sworn in Oct. 19, 1976 to fill the unexpired term of J. L. Sallee elected Apr. 04, 1978 and ran unopposed did not seek re-election in 1980 appointed and sworn in Apr.…

Andrew Swindle_Large.jpg
Term Jan. 09, 2018 - Dec. 31, 2021 elected Nov. 07, 2017 defeating Van Willis for the Ward III seat vacated by Chuck Warren sworn in Jan. 09, 2018 defeated Nov. 02, 2021 and lost the Ward III seat to Rick Coleman Andrew Swindle is an Assistant…

TermApr. 20, 1970 - Apr. 18, 1972 elected Apr. 07, 1970 as a write-in candidate defeating Ward IV incumbent Ned Ward and other write-in candidates Bobbie Jean Wade and Everett E. Mulkey (Ned Ward moved too late to have his name removed from the…

TermMay 07, 1991 - Apr. 15, 1997 appointed and sworn in May 07, 1991 to fill the unexpired term of Larry Gould elected Apr. 06, 1993 and ran unopposed did not seek re-election in 1997

TermsApr. 21, 1981 - Apr. 18, 1995Dec. 15, 1998 - Apr. 20, 1999 elected Apr. 07, 1981 defeating Gene Greenroyd for the Ward III seat vacated by Lester "Les" Depperschmidt sworn in Apr. 21, 1981 re-elected Apr. 05, 1983 defeating Albert "Al"…

Term as MayorApr. 17, 1973 - Apr. 15, 1975 Bernard Daley and Billy Swofford defeated Don T. Hawkins and Albert Voight in the primary Mar. 06, 1973 to run for mayor in the general election Apr. 03, 1973 elected Apr. 03, 1973 defeating Billy Swofford…

TermApr. 10, 2001 - Apr. 12, 2005 elected Apr. 03, 2001 technically defeating Ward II incumbent Brian Weisel; Brian Weisel had withdrawn from the race in March but his name was still on the ballot sworn in Apr. 10, 2001 did not seek re-election in…

Terms Apr. 21, 1964 - Apr. 19, 1966Apr. 15, 1969 - Apr. 05, 1973Term as City Council Ward I elected Apr. 07, 1964 defeating Lloyd D. Pitchford for the Ward I seat vacated by Robert DeLong sworn in Apr. 21, 1964 did not seek re-election in 1966 Term…

TermApr. 15, 1997 - Apr. 10, 2001 Brian Weisel and Tony May defeated Margaret Lowell in the primary Feb. 25, 1997 to run in the general election Apr. 01, 1997 elected Apr. 01, 1997 defeating Tony May for the Ward II seat vacated by Art…
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