Light Weights

Wichita Weekly Eagle 1872-12-26 p2 (List of 13 men in El Paso over 6 feet tall).png


Light Weights


List of some tall men in El Paso


Wichita City Eagle


Wichita City Eagle
Wichita, KS
Dec. 26, 1872
Page 2
Accessed at


Public Domain


12/21/1872 (Wichita Weekly Eagle 12/26/1872 p2)
Correspondence of the Eagle.

Light Weights

El Paso, Sedgwick County, Kan.,
December 21, 1872.

Mr. Editor: I take the liberty of sending you an item for the Eagle.

Giants are not all dead yet, for we have them in and about El Paso. I will give you a few samples:

Name. Height. Weight.
Daniel Little……………………………............………… 6-7 245
Calvin Little………………………………………............ 6-6 220
J. B. Otto……………………………………...............…… 6-5 208
Thomas Harding………………………………........... 6-4 195
David Brownlee………………………………….......... 6-4 180
Isaac C. Costin…………………………………............. 6-4 180
George Litzenberg……………………………........... 6-3 150
Wm. Harding……………………………………............. 6-2 190
C. C. Rushing……………………………………............. 6-2 170
James Douglas…………………………………............ 6-2 185
Thomas Barnes………………………………….......... 6-2 185
Stephen Hatfield…………………………………....... 6-2 185
Jahew Hatfield…………………………………............. 6-1 170

And I could give you a company who measure six feet, or a little over. If any other community can beat this I will send you a few more names. The weight in all instances above is not exactly accurate, but approximates correctness.

Dr. Tucker.


Wichita City Eagle, “Light Weights,” Derbykshistory, accessed February 23, 2025,

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