Browse Items (172 total)

  • Collection: People

93 Four generations of the Claphams around 1918-1920 Kristy Norman.jpg
Four generations of the Clapham/Shockey family sitting on the porch at the Shockey farm on 71st Street around 1919.

Seated in the back: Amelia (Hough) Clapham and her daughter Fannie (Clapham) Shockey.
Seated in front: Harley Shockey (Fannie's…

124 Derby Depot 1910s Evelyn Kersting.jpg
Standing (left to right) in front of the Derby depot in the early 1910s: Tom Frey, Oscar Yungmeyer, and Franklin Carlton.

125 Walter Schwartz and Friends 1912 Evelyn Kersting.jpg
Left to right: Franklin "Bud" Carlton, Walter Schwartz, Marion Smith, and Oscar Yungmeyer

157 Mohr family 1910 Maurine Holt.jpg
Family photo of the Mohr family circa 1910 at the house at 95th and Rock.

Left to right: Harold Mohr, Chris Mohr, Glen Mohr, Mayme Mohr, and Merle Mohr

247 Neighborhood farm women club 1919 Genev Reed.jpg
The neighborhood farm women would get together and have a picnic at the Cherry family farm. The get togethers stopped about two years ago (2016).

In the photo taken in 1919 they were dressing up for fun. Ada Cherry is on the far left; Dorothy…

248 Unknown person Robert Alex Cherry Unknown person Laura Woodman Cherry and Unknown person 1919 Genev Reed.jpg
A group of people at the Cherry farm in 1919. Robert Alexander Cherry is the second from the left and his daughter-in-law Laura (Woodman) Cherry is the second from the right.

249 Dog Unknown Person Robert Alex Cherry Ada Cherry 1919 Genev Reed.jpg
Robert Alexander Cherry (seated) and his daughter-in-law Ada Cherry to the right on the Cherry farm in 1919.

250 Neighborhood club 1919 Genev Reed.jpg
The neighborhood women at their club meeting on the Cherry farm in 1919. There are two names missing.

Back row: Ada Cherry, Lena Miller, Effie Hamilton, Ella Goodin, Nell High, Carie States, and Laura Baxter

Middle row: Lester High, Ruth High,…

251 Derby Presbyterian Church 1919 Genev Reed.jpg
Members of the Derby Presbyterian Church in 1919

258 Bloomenshine family 1919 Genev Reed.jpg
The Bloomenshine family were neighbors to the Cherry family.
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