Browse Items (4 total)

  • Tags: Luella Pearl Williamson Rick

141 Junior Senior Banquet 1924 Maurine Holt.jpg
The junior class of Derby High School after the Derby Junior-Senior Banquet in 1924. The juniors prepared and served the food to the seniors.

Back row:

Harry Summers (3rd from left), Arthur Owen (5th from left), Mary Sue Williams (8th from…

2101 Derby High School all students 1924 - 1925 school year 1924 Inv. 23-080098 unknown donor _ museumMuseum.jpg
From left to right:
Some of the names are misspelled and the corrected spelling is in parenthesis.

Fifth row (back row):
Murrell Ward '26; Murrell Mohr (Merle Mohr) '27; Everett Gass '26; Cecil Basset (Cecil Bassett) '27; Elgar Church '27;…

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